Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The Old Testament came into existence around the first century BCE. Know by the Jews as the Tanakh it was later adopted by the Christians. In a few generations during the Hasmonean Dynasty in Palestine the Tanakh was compiled and edited. It primarily served as a justification for the Hasmonean rule of the area.

Judas Maccabeus and his sons founded the Hasmonean Dynasty. It was under his direction that the old testament books Maccabeus 1 and Maccabeus 2 were written. The primary purpose of which was to establish a lineage from King David to Judas Maccabeus giving his reign legitimacy.

Maccabeus 1&2 are included in the Catholic cannon but not included in the Protestant cannon. Maccabeus 3&4 are included in the Greek Orthodox Old Testament only.

Alexander Jannaeus was a particularly brutal Hasmonean King. After slaying 6,000 Pharisees at the Temple in Jerusalem he faced strong opposition from rebel factions within his kingdom. This resulted in the Judean Civil War. Alexander was victorious after six years of fighting and 50,000 Judeans dead. In the aftermath Jannaeus crucified 800 rebels and had their wives and childrens throats cut in front of them while they hung on the cross.

Excessive force is a common theme when dogma (lies) has been forced upon people over the centuries. Dogma arises and is put into place out of the need for political control. This will be seen over and over again.
(sources: Wikipedia, The Laughing Jesus)

Monday, June 29, 2009

DOGMA - a definition

A doctrine or doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth in an authoritative manner by a church. (source American Heritage Online Dictionary)

In most Christian churches the basic doctrines are not open to debate but are expected to be followed without question. This blog will question these basic doctrines. The purpose of doing this is to strip away the Christian dogma added by man over the years to reveal the truly beautiful nature of original Christian doctrine.